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It's constantly a challenge to manage data, and the most difficult, and sometimes most valuable challenge, is to determine what data is the most useful and relevant. Although it may be tempting to do everything, it's not usually the best course to do completely everything. It's a lot easier to manage data if you focus on the data that will help you achieve your goals. With this in mind, let's take a look at the types of data that are commonly collected about a particular library resource and what function each type of data serves."
You must consider all aspects of the resource to determine what data is the most important. Library staff staff all the time wonder why their cataloging and classification work on a specific resource is a huge challenge. The answer is usually because the staff has not analyzed everything that is important to the library. For example, it's a challenge to assign categories to a book. However, it's even more challenging to determine what categories are the most useful to the library's users.
Collections contain many resources that are important to the collection's users. It's easy to forget about certain items that can be in a collection, but are really important. Many times, those resources are easy to see and easy to access, but they are not always in the same location. Metadata may help you manage access to all of these resources.
For example, the catalog will help users access collections and the catalog will also help users find what they need. However, information from the catalog does not tell you about access to the resources within the collections.
Collection records in the catalog usually do contain data that describes the accessioning procedures for a book and a journal, and sometimes a collective work. However, in many cases, this data is almost useless to library users. d2c66b5586