Seed Of Chucky Torrent !!HOT!!
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Child's Play (1988): This is extremely 80s, but holds up pretty well. The end of the first act drags a bit but nobody wastes any time in denial. Once someone sees him walking around they're all, \"Yup, that's a talking doll. Kill it with fire.\" B+.Child's Play 2 (1990): I like that it just picks right up a couple of weeks after the first movie ends. Mom is in an asylum and the kid is in foster care, like you do. The Chucky resurrection is contrived but consistent, I guess. Plot wise, it's the first movie again, but annoyingly there are some kills that were just counterproductive to Chucky's goals. I know that he does just love killin', but he's also smart, so that bothered me. The third act goes extremely surreal and Willy Wonka / 5000 Fingers, and the most unrealistic part is that in this universe industrial manufacturing facilities still exist in the US. B-.Child's Play 3: Look Who's Stalking (1991): Well first of all the timeline is wrong. Andy is 16 but should only be 9. Is this a 1991 movie set in the far future of 1998 This is like 20% Chucky movie and 80% on the theme, \"military school is vile and full of bullies\" and wow, who gives a shit. Also, brief appearance by Uncle Frank from Hellraiser as a deranged barber. D+. No wonder there was such a gap before the next one.Bride of Chucky (1998): Ok now we're off to the races! After a 7 year gap, this one is an absolute gem. It's still very gory but this one is more of a comedy than the earlier installments. This movie is really the Jennifer Tilly show, and I forgot how hilarious she is. The banter, the murder oneupsmanship. It's so romantic. And the puppets are so expressive. A+. Seed of Chucky (2004): This is the wall-breaking self-referential one of the series, the \"New Nightmare\". Jennifer Tilly is playing herself, there is a John Waters cameo. There is a kinda cringey trans subplot and ironic fat jokes. It's set in \"Hollywood\" and like all such, it's the writers licking their own assholes. It is... less funny. I give it a B- if I'm being generous.Curse of Chucky (2013): And I guess Seed didn't go over very well, given the 9 year gap. Very different tone on this one! It's played totally straight and it's basically a Victorian haunted house story. Chucky is Chekhov's Gun until at least halfway through. The cinematography is beautiful and it is genuinely scary. And I love it that it's now a dynasty, starring Fiona Dourif, daughter of Brad, the voice of Chucky. A++.Cult of Chucky (2017): Nica (Fiona) is in the loony bin, so this is the \"Dream Warriors\" of the series. Also Andy's back! And he's got some fuckin' issues. (One of the things that I love about this series is that as the characters return they have been played by the same actors, even if it's 30 years later -- with the notable exception of Child's Play 3.) This one also is a straight horror movie rather than a comedy, though not quite as dark as Curse was. One of my favorite scenes is when Chucky briefly possesses Nica because at that point Fiona is doing an impression of her real-life dad and it's just gloriously inappropriate. There are some weird but promising, and largely unexplored, expansions to the mythology that were really begging for a follow-up that hasn't happened yet. A. So, they also did a remake of the first one, and I hadn't realized that it was actually released in 2019. I haven't seen it. It has a good cast on paper, but neither Don Mancini nor the Dourifs are involved, so that sounds like some bullshit to me.I would like to see Chucky Invades and Chucky's Vacation Slides, anyone got a torrent for themPreviously, previously, previously. Tags: firstperson, furries, movies, perversions, reviews, toys, tv >4 Responses: prefetch says:1 year ago at 9:24 pmImpressive. Most people need a palette cleanser after two or three, especially if they're from the 80s or 90s.
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Um filme de terror sobre Chucky (Brad Dourif), o boneco assassino, está sendo rodado em Hollywood. Quando as filmagens têm início Glen (Billy Boyd), o boneco órfão de Chucky e Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly), decide partir para o local. Já em Hollywood Glen consegue ressuscitar seus pais, que estão sedentos por sangue e iniciam uma nova série de assassinatos. Porém o que o casal não contava era com a repulsa de Glen, que não quer seguir os passos do pai e também se tornar um assassino. Paralelamente Tiffany fica deslumbrada com o mundo do entretenimento, especialmente quando conhece sua atriz predileta, Jennifer Tilly, que está no filme sobre Chucky. Lançamento 2004 Direção Don Mancini Elenco Redman, Hannah Spearritt, John Waters Idioma Português (Dublado) Legenda PtBr No torrent Qualidade BluRay 720p Tamanho 907 MB 153554b96e
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