The Scheme Programming Language Pdf Download
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The R7RS-small standard is a set of the Scheme language. R7RS defines the Scheme language and its implementation as well as general goals for Scheme. The R7RS-small standard will be developed with R7RS-WG1 for Scheme only, but will include extensions that provide a superset of R7RS as necessary for the needs of implementation.
General purpose programming languages which allow the programmer to express program-level actions and data structures are imperative. Imperative languages, including C, Java, and Python, represent data as objects, and program execution is based on state modification: mutability is a central feature of programming with imperative languages. Imperative languages usually have relatively few programming features; some of the most common are loops, conditionals, and function calls. In functional programming, the focus is on the functional aspects of programs, including recursion, reduction, monadic composition, and partial application. Imperative and functional programming are more clearly distinguished in ML and Haskell than in other languages, though the distinction is not absolute.
The input, output, state, and side effects of a program are often separated, and programs are composed of abstractions that are independent of specific implementations. In general-purpose programming languages, such abstractions are based on data structures and flows of information across computation. In object-oriented programming languages, the abstractions are defined in terms of an object model.
R7RS-WG1 will define a subset of R7RS that will be used to design and implement Scheme implementations. This subset should provide a minimal set of features that are essential for implementation in a variety of environments. R7RS-WG1 may also define additional language constructs that can be used to make implementation easier or more powerful.
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