Autohotkey Bunny Hop Scripts [Extra Quality]
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This page stores AutoHotkey scripts as well as in-game scripts used for speedrunning on Source Engine. To add a script into your AutoHotkey, find AutoHotkey.ahk in your \"Documents\" folder after installing AHK. Open the file with notepad or other text editing software, and place the scripts there. After that, you may need to restart AHK or Reload your script.
This script is used for bunnyhopping on every game with Source Engine. Basically, it rapidly sends SPACE inputs, which allows you to bunnyhop, while holding space. Using Source Pause Tool is recommended over this as it is tick perfect.
These scripts will mess up your keys and may prevent alt tabbing or even closing the game if you rebind Esc. It will also prevent you from alt tabbing. Adding this line to the top of your script will allow you to enable and disable your script by pressing F7, so you can alt tab and chat:
However, you'll have to duplicate the same script for each Window (game), in order for it to work with the games you want to. If the script has the tag above it, it'll only work when the specified Window is active, and won't work anywhere elseNotesThese scripts assume you use the default controls ingame. For a customized key config, you will have to change some keys in the AHK script as well. Sometimes when using host_timescale, the scripts may stop working. If that's the case, change the Sleep number from 10 to 40.An example complete script: 153554b96e